Helping Human Trafficking Victims

Helping Human Trafficking Victims

Pakistan is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor and human trafficking Bonded labor is the country's most serious human trafficking problem, in which traffickers exploit an initial debt accepted by a worker as part of the terms of employment and ultimately trap the worker and their family in a cycle of debt bondage. 

Recently, Paster Shahzad Pervaiz, Director of Asia, rescued a family who had fallen victim to human trafficking and was successfully liberated from this horrible torment. Traffickers in this region frequently target vulnerable groups such as rural residents, religious minorities, refugees, and internally displaced persons; unfortunately, this family fell victim. The family is now receiving legal aid, counseling, shelter, and education for the child victims and as well as their families. CCIS also purchased a Tuk Tuk (taxi Scooter) so that her family may earn money to meet their basic necessities and live freely in society. 

You can contribute. Help both national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like CCIS fight human trafficking. Please give; it is the only way to assist folks.

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